How to build online leadership 24 hours a day?

By: M.S Rahman

M.S Rahman

If you want to stop selling online, offline, or both, you need to learn how to build leads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You may be the worst salesperson on the planet, but if you learn to generate lead 24 hours a day, you can beat the best salesman on the planet. How? Mere volume. Any bad salesperson who can generate leadership will produce a great sales outlet that has no arrival of leadership.

There will be constantly new opportunities to pitch lead-generated sales reps.

Now, when I talk about lead generation, it certainly includes face-to-face expectations. When I am around people and I identify someone who can benefit from my offer, I will talk to them directly. But if I’m not out there talking to people, how do I build leads on a daily basis?

I use production tools like an online auto reporter.

I have put capture forms in all my blogs.

I have autoresponder promotions for all my offers.

When you see me posting on social media and running ads, you'll see me a link to these capture pages to generate leads for my offers. If people want to know more about my offers they fill out the form. My automated follow-up letters are like knowledge and take care to create a reason to believe care sales come on a regular basis.

Sounds straightforward, doesn't it? Because it is! I think it’s agile when most people start generating a lead for their offers. They continue to expect it to be complicated so that they cannot take appropriate action. If it seems complicated, it is new. At one time, walking was new to you. Eating solid food was new. Reading was new. Your current job was once, new. Was new to the Internet. We learn new things by getting information and taking action.

Google and YouTube make it incredibly easy to learn to generate lead. You can literally run out of half a day, producing 24 hours of lead for whatever you want to sell.

As you go through the learning process, feel free to ask questions. I like to get questions answered and help people learn how to motivate no matter what business you are involved in.

Feel free to post comments or questions here. I check in regularly and love to hear from my readers!
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