Powerful gadget for working from home

By: M.S Rahman

M.S Rahman

When working from home, the right gadgets can make a huge difference in your productivity. Not only do these help make the job more enjoyable (without having to wait 10 minutes for the computer to load), but they allow you to do things the other way around and shave off a few minutes from your routine tasks. Here are some powerful things you may not consider sitting at home.

Echo show

The device, which comes from Amazon, is basically a housing unit for the company's digital assistant Alexa. The great thing about it is that it also has a camera.

Echo shows can be an amazing tool of collaboration, thanks to giving family members the ability to “drop in” to get live-feeds from their cameras.

At the same time, an echo show lets you ask questions about math problems and get a quick answer without having to search from the keyboard. Keep one in the office and you can also use it to set reminders.

Apple Watch

A gadget of the best productivity is surprisingly the Apple Watch. While this device may not appear to be doing what your phone can do, the convenience of having it on your wrist and the highly personal nature of the technology make it quite a game-changer.

For one, an Apple Watch lets you place "complexities" (widgets) on the right side of your wrist. One of the best ways to use it is to display todoist to dos here. With these on your wrist, you probably have no way to miss them!

Getting a notification in your possession means you know if something is important without the need to stop what you are doing. And being able to talk to Siri on your wrist has many benefits like Echo.

This is before we talk about indirect ways that health tracking can improve your productivity and performance.

GPD P2 Max

The GPD P2 Max is an amazingly powerful laptop that is small enough to fit in a pocket. This is significant because it gives you an option to type at work that can be taken with you on a train, or you can type in bed without the feeling of being stuck on a huge laptop. This is perfect when you need to do something fast, which can happen to you at a time when you never know you can make it productive!
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